The Challenge
Driver Hire is a well-established and very successful franchised recruitment business supplying temporary staff into a niche market. Their success has traditionally been based upon a proven business formula incorporating robust systems and procedures underpinned by ISO9000 accreditation.
However a business system is only as good as the people that operate it and Driver Hire recognised that, in an increasingly competitive and demanding environment, they needed to pay more attention to the recruitment, retention and development of key staff i.e. those involved in front-line sales and recruitment in our 105 branch offices across the UK.
This process would have to begin with educating and informing their franchisee network in order to gain their commitment to improving the way that key staff are recruited, motivated and rewarded. The starting point for this would be one of their twice-yearly conferences.
The Solution
Innergy worked with the Driver Hire Management team to develop a Conference theme and programme designed to raise awareness of recruitment and retention issues. To achieve this, Innergy's process was to:
The Outcome
The conference was highly interactive and delegates were encouraged to participate via a combination of informal and set-piece sessions led by Innergy. This firstly involved highlighting the financial implications of making a poor versus a good recruitment decision, thus immediately grabbing the attention of delegates. We then went on to discuss the common attributes of a top performer and methods of attracting, keeping and motivating such people.
In particular delegates enjoyed an exercise which involved blending different personality traits into a successful team to emphasise the importance of team building. Carefully selected external speakers linked their presentations to the theme of the day.
Ultimately, Innergy delivered a highly successful conference which educated, informed, entertained and motivated the franchisees. This is the first step in an ongoing programme with Innergy to enhance Driver Hire's recruitment and retention programme across the UK.
What they said…
"The day turned out to be a great success and the start of the process to develop a people and customer centric culture. We received great reviews from our attendees and most importantly everyone claimed to have taken away one or two ideas they can employ in their business with immediate effect.
I look forward to working with you again in the future."
Chris Chidley - Chief Executive