• 26 Mar 2014

    60 Second Guide to Closing the Sale

    There are many ways to close a sale and as you’d expect each scenario will rely on a different closing technique to close the sale depending on the salesperson, client and the product etc.

    Here are a few tips that when used effectively alongside your sales process can close a sale.

    • Earn the right. Whilst we are talking about the final stages of the sales process the initial stage of any sale of earning the right applies throughout the sales process. You earn your right to start the sales process by understanding your client and how your product/service can benefit the client. This then translates through the sales process by earning the right when following up any client questions, attending meetings with the information they require etc. if you’ve truly understood the client you have earned the right to ask for the sale.
    • Plan the sales journey. So many times the sale doesn’t happen simply because the salesperson doesn’t communicate the next steps to the customer and ask for the sale. If the customer is unsure, prompt them with the next steps that move you closer to asking for the sale and closing. Don’t add too many steps to the process before you close as you will move the customer further away from closing the sale.
    • Don’t underestimate the value of the sale. In a cost driven market the customer will look for a good price, but they will also look for the best value. The value of your product/service will not be what you consider value, but what value choosing you can bring to the customer/their business. Demonstrate the product/service has more value than the cost of it and you will close the sale.
    • Competition. You will always be up against competition; the customer will be going through the same process with other businesses. Don’t try to win over the customer by talking negatively about your competition, bad mouthing competition will put the customer on the defensive and may cost you your sale. Be nice about your competition, but point out the strong values your company and your product/service has which will outshine your competition.
    • Be prepared to offer something before you close the sale. In most cases your customer will ask for something from you during the sales process, it may be a product demonstration or customer referrals. When giving something you can always ask for something back from the customer, if they have a demonstration get them to commit to move forward if the demonstration has proved it will fulfil their need. It is important you don’t give too much to the customer if they aren’t giving anything back to you by moving forward in the sales process.
    • Under promise, over deliver. Many times the salesperson will over promise and under deliver to close the sale, but this leads to an unhappy customer. During the sales process make sure you don’t fall into this trap, for example if your delivery time is seven days, say it is seven days. If at this point you said it was two days and the customer found out online the exact delivery time you will turn the customer against you and lose the sale. Over delivery will mean you have a happy customer, this in turn will give you great case studies and testimonials that you can use when you start the sales process again with another customer.
