The Recruitment Network launched - a Q&A with James Osborne on the new initiative focussed on recruitment business growth.
Q: What is The Recruitment Network and who is it for?
A: The Recruitment Network is an exclusive support club for recruitment business leaders and managers, born out of over 10 years of advising and mentoring fast growth recruitment organisations from start up through to exit. It is a unique environment where every component of a recruitment business is challenged and benchmarked against industry best practice, where recruitment leaders can enjoy unlimited support from some of the recruitment industry’s most successful authorities and where recruitment business leaders work collaboratively together to help each other improve performance, increase efficiencies and significantly grow profitability.
Members of The Recruitment Network are serious about investing in the realisation of their strategic objectives. They want to be challenged, they want to exercise the real potential of their people and they want to outperform their competition and The Recruitment Network provides the support mechanism to make that happen.
Q: How do you become a member of the Network?
A: Key to the success of The Recruitment Network is the quality of our membership. Our members are progressive, forward-thinking and have the right skills and mind-set to want to grow and outperform the market and as such we are very careful about who can join the Network.
Ultimately, we only work with recruitment leaders who have as much to share with others about their experiences and ideas as they have to learn from others.
Q: What activities will Network members engage in and what commitment is expected of members?
A: The rolling 12 month programme is split into three distinct parts referred to as Huddles, Support and the Retreat.
Our Huddles occur every three months and are themed around the key drivers of success in any recruitment business. This is when our members come together with the industry’s pre-eminent thought leaders at our exclusive Central London venue for an intensive day of interactive presentations, masterclasses, panel discussions and peer to peer debates, once a quarter.
Members arrive at each Huddle with a suite of data that has been personally collated for them about their business and leave inspired and with a toolkit to allow them to drive through new initiatives to ensure further growth. The Support mechanism we offer our members outside each of the Huddles ensures that the group discussions become implementable actions. Our support programme is designed to eliminate all the barriers that recruitment business leaders often have from being able to implement new growth plans by giving our members unlimited access to free training content, data, tools, exclusive industry insights, mentoring and support.
The Network’s role is to remove any non-core workload our members have, allow them to get on and focus on doing what they are good at and then holding them accountable for doing what they say they were going to do.
Members then meet once a year for a unique two day Retreat at a stunning country venue just outside London, where we have an unparalleled line up of speakers, business consultants, facilitators and industry thought leaders on hand for two days that will literally challenge the way recruitment leaders think and work.
Q: What do you believe will be the outcome for members of the Network?
A: The outcomes our members realise are all growth based – growth in their own personal skills as business leaders, growth in revenue streams, growth in overall profitability and growth in shareholder value.
The blueprint we work through over the course of the programme is proven to significantly transform the results of recruitment organisations and the support the members get from the Recruitment Network team of experts ensures their ability to realise those results.
Q: When does it all start?
A: As a team, we have been successfully providing consultancy and mentoring / NED support for recruitment leaders for the past 10 years, so the launch of the Recruitment Network is simply an extension of that, allowing us to take the membership offering to a whole new level with an unrivalled network of experts to now work with.
New members are currently signing up every day and the first Huddle will formally take place on the 17th November.
To find out more about the Recruitment Network, simply visit or contact James Osborne at for an informal conversation about how you can be part of a unique network of recruitment leaders that are outperforming the rest of the recruitment market and maintaining a significantly competitive edge.
Published by James Osborne July 20th 2016