James Osborne, CEO of Innergy, will be presenting at the 2016 Recruitment Agency Expo in Birmingham on 28th and 29th September 2016. Register here.
If you are in the recruitment business, there’s only one place to be. Attend Recruitment Agency Expo and ensure you get your share of this massive business and networking opportunity.
Meet with top industry suppliers all in one hall at the same time. Discover, compare and contrast products and services new and existing as well as get the chance to attend free seminars and meet with your industry colleagues.
Session Code: S04 / S20
Theatre: 1
Time: September 28th 13:00 – 13:30 / September 29th 14:00 - 14:30
Raising the Bar – how to maximise profitability and create significant growth within a recruitment business
Why is it that some recruitment organisation’s continuously create significantly greater results than others? In this fast-paced, interactive seminar James will share with you the best-practice methodologies that some of the most profitable recruitment organisation’s across the globe employ to outperform the rest of the market and create a significant competitive edge. You will be given an insight into the 8 key growth engines of high performing recruitment agencies and leave the seminar with a copy of James’ unique “Blueprint for Growth” to take back and implement back in your businesses.
Session Code: T29 / T38
Theatre: Training Zone
Time: September 28th 10:45 – 11:05 / September 29th 12:45 - 13:05
Can’t Sell, Won’t Sell! – the key to driving new client acquisition and customer penetration
How can you put sales at the forefront of what you do without being seen as an aggressive, unscrupulous salesperson? Whatever anyone may say, the recruitment industry is a sales driven industry and requires both a selling mindset as well as a selling strategy to maximise consultant and business growth. In this highly interactive session, James will show you how to create a professional selling process, employing the right selling mentality, to grow not only the size and quality of your database, but also to leverage new business from your existing relationships.